Classic Suzy
Snowbunny Suzy
My punk-spirited friend Suzy took up the challenge to write some quick haiku! Suzy Dellaquila loves pandas, pirates, Nintendo DS, gadgets, and Korean boy bands. She's also a very talented artist and photographer who is almost finished with college. (Headhunters: she'll be on the job market this May!) You can check out her portfolio here: www.SuzyKyu.com
The bitter temperatures we've been experiencing the past two weeks are her inspiration for these haiku:
Brrr, It's Freaking COLD
when will it be warm again,
I want to go play
cold snowflakes landing
peaceful wintery landscape
snowball to the face
the wind howls loudly
blustery winter is here
wake me when its gone
slick ice on the ground
hidden by the cold dark night
I land on my butt
oddly shaped snowman
makes me smile when I walk by
built by local drunk
Photo by Suzy

ARGGH! That be mighty fine poetry, lass! I love the surprise ending of "snowball to the face!" But my favorite is "oddly shaped snowman" - even before I saw her photo of an actual snowman - built by a drunk. Ah, New Yorkers - so full of.....weird shenanigans.
Make sure you visit her very cool website www.SuzyKyu.com and view her art and she also has a blog! Suzy is a true Provocative Haiku fan. When she found out she was going live this Friday, she wrote:
WOOHOO I made it
writing Haikus is such fun
onwards to mayhem!
Yes, onwards to mayhem, indeed! Won't you join the other Pirate Poets and share your work with us on Facebook? Or, write your wintery haiku below! C'mon, you can do it! It's easy - look:
today it's 20
degrees, cold wind is whipping -
makes my boogers freeze!
I love when you can get your haiku to rhyme! Make it your New Year's resolution to write more haiku - on MY blog, of course, because I want to read it! And speaking of resolutions, stay tuned for video #3 coming soon! Get notified by subscribing to this blog, my YouTube channel or Facebook.
1 comment:
onwards to mayhem
cold cant stop me from playing
dont stand still, rock out!
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