Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Shameless Self-Promotion

Hey, have you visited the Angry Poet store? Not only can you buy my book on Lulu or Amazon, but you can buy my poems! on things! things you could use or wear! You can even put YOUR poems on things! Visit the store for all your favorite haikus from the blog:

Stupid Big Toe Nail!

Zoltar, do you know?

It's too much information!

Or check out the Angry Poet mascot customizable items. Make a poem on a greeting card and mail it to your friend. And don't forget to post your poem here!

I hope that visiting my Zazzle store inspires you to start your own store, or at least think of Zazzle when you want a truly unique t-shirt for your self or a personalized gift. There are so many talented artists on Zazzle. Thank you for looking!

For the Angry Poet Store, click the link below:
Provocative Haiku

1 comment:

Kim Northrop said...

The date haikus really rock. Back from London--thanks for all your comments Alison!

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