Thursday, June 11, 2009

Crackberry addicts should be slapped!

Photo above: construction - part of the daily landscape on the city. Hard to navigate around, and there's ALWAYS some boob trying to walk and text in the thick of it.

Maybe I'm a crotchedy old bugger, but I can not stand the newest bad habit in today's society - walking and texting. Cell phone, Blackberry, iPhone - doesn't matter. It's just as bad as those nerds that try to walk and read the newspaper. Do us all a favor and just put it down!


Crackberry addict!
Pay attention – put it down
before I slap you!


You Crackberry freak,
trading people for plastic!
Loser with no life.


Preferring to text,
your life is digital, you
have no social skills.


Slave to the device:
thinking you’re important but
no one gives a crap!


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