Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School! and a contest

School bus as seen from the twelfth floor of an office in Manhattan:

Back to school again:
pounding the snooze button, then
inhale my breakfast.

Race to catch the bus!
Miss! Beg Mom to drive me, then
walk of shame to class.

I no longer dream
of school bus anxiety,
but pink slip from boss.


Yeah, poets! It's back to school time! How many of you have woken up in a cold sweat a week before the first day of school, worried about missing the bus? Used to happen to me every year, and I don't know why - it's not like it was a big deal to show up late.

Grasshoppers, get your writing chops warmed up and try entering one of your haiku into a contest! One of our Friday Featured Poets, Alan Summers was kind enough to post it in one of the comments. Here's a link to it here. There is an entry fee, but you'll get worldwide exposure and be judged by the awesomely talented poet Alan Summers, renga poet-in-residence for City of Hull, in the UK.

The deadline in November 21st, 2010. Check it out!



Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks Alison, and the competition is for good causes too! ;-)

The British Library has now archived the Fourth Plinth project so it continues to be accessible to everyone around the world.

Here's my archived slot on the Plinth! ;-)

Alan on Antony Gormley’s Trafalgar Square Fourth Plinth Project: Fourth Plinth weblink

all my very best

2010 With Words Haiku Competition: weblink

ImageNations said...

Back to school. lol. Your Ku are all about school and are interrelated. they also are 5-7-5. Was it intentional? Enjoyed reading them.

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