Thursday, March 18, 2010

What bakes on the sidewalk...

Dog poop has melted;
Fat folks are wearing spandex.
Oh yes, spring is here!


Smells are arising;
Unknowns are melting on sidewalk.
Winter past at last!


Ah yes, the sweet arrival of spring! Not so sweet in New York City where the dwindling snow only reveals silent garbage, and when exposed to sunlight, assaults your unsuspecting nostrils!!!

Speaking of nostrils, have you seen my third video? Check it out here.

And visit us tomorrow for a very special edition of Friday Featured Poet!


Mysterious pile:
a smear squashed and rubbed on the
hot baking sidewalk.


Gum tossed and frozen
waiting patiently for sun;
Goo-sticky shoe mess!


Snow shrinks, disappears,
and underneath it reveals
garbage of winter.


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