Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy hour mutterings...

This great sign was found in a Manhattan pub somewhere! I'm inspired to comment on a typical Friday night "happy hour" gossip-a-thon about your supervisor or stupid co-workers, followed by dining, drinking, and nightlife. Many Manhattanites spend their weekends thus - only to regret it the next day with an awful hangover. And yet, the cycle continues...this is New York...this is what disgruntled employees do for fun...


“Welcome, you prophets!”
Philosophers of spirits,
food, sports, and women.

Happy hour lemmings,
complainers of work, bosses,
leavers of cheap tips.

Pub crawler prophets
proselytizing about the
stalled project ideas.

“Company is dumb!”
Upper management deaf to
underdog vision.

Everyone agrees,
drinks to “bring change tomorrow!”
Tomorrow brings pain.


1 comment:

Kim Northrop said...

Excellent! And great minds..

friday happy hour
venting later told to boss
backstabbing bastard

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