We have a very special guest poet today: Brigitte Coovert! I found her on Etsy - I somehow came across her Squirrel Haiku zine and she's allowed me to share a few poems with you. Brigitte is very creative and best known for her Zombuki dolls: zombie and Kabuki hybrids! What better way to celebrate Halloween than checking out her zombuki dolls and evil eye jewelry!
About Brigitte:
Brigitte Coovert is a 29 year old human female residing in Florida. Her first altered doll creations, circa 1996, were less than delicate, though they did introduce Brigitte to what would become her primary focus. After a haitus, Brigitte returned to the toy medium for a few years, but came back to dolls when she discovered Pullips in 2005. The first Zombuki Pullip was created in August of 2006 and was well received, much to Brigitte’s total amazement. In the time since, over 30 of the little monsters have been created in the Pullip, Dal, Blythe, Byul, Taeyang Hujoo, and kokeshi mediums, and have found homes across the globe. Zombukis have been featured in multiple publications, including Dolls Magazine, Giga Hobby, and Haute Doll Magazine. The Zombuki had their first solo show at The Valley of the Dolls in Los Angeles, CA in October 2008.
One of her Etsy shops sells this tiny little zine with squirrel haiku that she wrote and vintage woodcut prints. (Of course, I had to buy it!) Here's a sampling of her haiku written from the point of view of a squirrel:

Misguided acorn,
Could have sworn I left you there;
Earthen Tupperware.
In the storage shed -
I nested there one Fall day,
In your Christmas tree.
For more Brigitte fun, check out her links:
http://pbrigitte.tumblr.com/ (blog)
http://www.zombuki.com/ (zombuki doll site)
Shop her Etsy stores:
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