Happy Birthday, America!
And what better way to celebrate our independence than to “wax politic” and tell you about Susanna Speier! Ms. Speier is well-versed in provocative haiku, and she’s taken it a step further: Politiku! Yes, folks – haiku all about politics! And just like Uncle Sam, she wants you – to submit your work.
Currently, in July she’ll be traveling, and at this writing, her latest call for submissions has past. But, dear poets, she returns with twice monthly calls for work in August. Here’s how it works – she blogs about a topic – usually something to get your blood boiling good – and then asks for a haiku on that topic. She writes for the Huffington Post, so you know your stuff will get great exposure!
Visit her blog to learn more. Susanna is a delightful, multi-talented woman. Here’s her short bio:
Susanna Speier grew up in Washington, D.C. and has been immersed in political discourse ever since she can remember. Inevitably, she went on to pursue a career in the theater and now in the motion picture industry. Still a relative newbee to the film and television world, she is currently being mentored in screenwriting by Rod Lurie in Los Angeles. Her stage plays have performed at The Tenri Cultural Center, the World Financial Center, HERE Arts Center, The Cocteau Theater, Cornelia Street Café, and Collective Unconscious in New York City. Plays have also been staged at AIA Actors Studio in Los Angeles and at theaters in the UK and in The Netherlands.
Kids, freedom ain’t free. We are free to express our opinions, outrage, scorn, satire, ridicule or anger. And we enjoy this freedom because of men and women in the military, in a public office, and even crotchedy old buggers who write complaints to the President. Please take a moment to thank a veteran or service person. And please enjoy your BBQ and fireworks responsibly.
Soldier overseas:
Thank you for my peace. This beer -
I raise it to you!
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