Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fire Safety

If you work in a New York City office, you probably know who your fire warden and deputy fire warden are, along with the male and female searchers. Such is our life after 9/11. I remember as kid that everyone loved having a fire drill! We got to go outside! A brief respite from school! You would think that as adults, we would welcome this break in our daily routine. I'm always amazed by how people who are sick of their jobs are still annoyed by having to participate in the fire drill. I often wonder what kind of chaos would ensue if there really was a fire in my office building. As an acting deputy fire warden, I'll know how to get out. Will I help others or save myself? I think it will depend on my mood when it happens. >:)


Fire alarm testing -
No one wants to leave their desk
and I am warden.

“Must participate!”
I push them and they hate me
but it’s not my fault!

If there is a fire,
I’ll be the first to escape.
Oh, I pray for it!



Kim Northrop said...

Bahhahahahha. Srsly laughing out loud at these ones.

slothful co-workers
hate practicing the fire drill
will watch me escape

Alison said...

OMG OMG OMG! Yours is even better than mine! You gotta put it on your blog and your Zazzle store.

Kim Northrop said...

Oh I don't think so...but it is time to update the store soon :)

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